Total publications found: 53

The Persistence of Informal Practices and Payments in Digitalised Government Services: A Scoping Study of Trade Licensing in Bangladesh

Authors: Meraz Ahmed, Wazida Hasan, Md. Amran Hossain, Zabirr Hossain, Zulkarin Jahangir, Mushtaq Khan, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Rumana Sharmin, Munshi Sulaiman
Publication date: March 2024

Digitalisation of government services in developing countries is often heralded as a tool for enhancing transparency, improving service quality and mitigating informal payments to government ...

A New Approach to Anti-Corruption – When Rule-Breakers rule

Authors: Pallavi Roy, Agata Slota, Mushtaq Khan
Publication date: December 2022

This toolkit provides a step by step guide to analysing corruption problems and developing realistic and effective anti-corruption strategies in contexts where the rule of ...

Mitigation and transformation solutions to networked corruption in artisanal refining in the Niger Delta: retooling anti-corruption analysis for effective policy

Authors: Pallavi Roy, Alexander Sewell, Fyneface Dumnamene
Publication date: April 2022

In contexts where rents from a particular sector or activity are shared widely and are substantially larger than available alternatives for the widest cross-section of society, common strategies such as increasing transparency and accountability measures, targeting behaviour, or identifying incentives are unlikely to result in reduced corruption.

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