Total posts found: 9

Bribery game in Nigeria

In Lagos, we will conduct a household level survey experiment using an embedded bribery game. Participants of the survey will be randomly assigned to a control group, or to one of several condition groups. According to their grouping, each participant in the condition groups will read or hear a different message.

Extractives in Nigeria

Analysis suggests systemic reform will be difficult to achieve in extractives in Nigeria given the distribution of power. Our approach will be to collect data and map the interdependent network of policies and rents in force in the sector. This will help us gain a much clearer idea of where the capture takes place and the extent of the damage.

Fertilisers in Nigeria

This project will examine centralised and technology-enhanced distribution modalities that have recently been introduced into fertiliser subsidy programmes in Nigeria and Tanzania - two of the largest in Africa. While the new distribution modalities are intended to reduce leakage of vouchers via local government administrations through bypassing intermediations, they present their own challenges.

Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission

The Nigerian Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has been at the forefront of activist anti-corruption agencies in Africa. It has been instrumental in charging and prosecuting senior political leaders and businessmen with political links as well as recovering and repatriating significant stolen resources that belonged to the Nigerian state.

Skills in Tanzania

The shortage of technical skills in Tanzania has been one of the most fundamental constraints to its industrial development. Vocational training institutions are funded by a skills levy collected by the Tanzanian Revenue Authority. One third of the skills levy is spent on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), while two thirds remain with the government.

Tax authority in Tanzania

The Export Processing Zones (EPZs) seek to attract new export-oriented foreign and local investments to create international competitiveness for export-led economic growth. The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) aim to help transform Tanzania into a globally competitive country by accelerating domestic production, promoting exports and generating employment.

Curbing smuggling of rice and sugar in Tanzania

Despite several recent studies assessing inefficiencies and corruption issues in Dar es Salaam’s main port, the evidence on corruption dynamics remains scattered. These studies mainly looked at inefficiencies in the port, in particular the loss determined by long delays affecting ships that arrive in Tanzania’s central port.

22 June 2017 – A conversation in Dar es Salaam

Mushtaq Khan and Antonio Andreoni participated in the International High Level Meeting on Anti Corruption Reforms in Tanzania, organised by the Government of Tanzania and the World Bank, with DFID assistance, on June 22nd and 23rd 2017.

Skills in Bangladesh

Overall, the performance of skills training programmes in Bangladesh has been poor. But some targeted programmes have done well because they have addressed relevant market failures with targeted funding and appropriate governance structures.

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