Publication Type: Other
Countries: Other
Authors: SOAS-ACE
Publication date: January 2018
Keywords: SOAS-ACE

Brochure for SOAS-ACE’s health sector projects

This brochure introduces the projects the SOAS-ACE research consortium is conducting under the health sector theme in all three programme countries: Bangladesh, Tanzania and Nigeria. Our health research projects focusing on aligning incentives for frontline healthcare workers and improving social accountability in the health and drugs sector. The brochure covers research methodologies and the theoretical approach which makes this research unique.

SOAS-ACE is working with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the UK, the BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health in Bangladesh, the Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania, and the University of Nigeria Nsukka.

Photo credit: ©EU/ECHO/ Isabel Coello